Prescot Ram 903 Installation
Prescot RAM 903 held their Installation ceremony on Thursday 9th November 2017 at the Prescot Masonic Hall.
The Installing commander was David Emmerson the Provincial Grand DC who was also the Commander of Prescot RAM 903 Lodge during the past year. He was installed last November when the Lodge was honoured with a full team visit.
The ceremony really was a wonderful display of masonry, David, Installed the Commander elect, Christopher Stephen Walls in the chair in a truly faultless manner.
Christopher is well known around the province in many roles but mostly for his fund raising in selling the Masonic regalia.
Commander Christopher then installed his officers for the year. The RW PGM was represented by Bro Graham Taylor Bailey RAMGR
The Worshipful Commander stated that although we had no candidates in the pipeline he wanted to make full use of his time in the chair, with a lecture planned for the January 2018 meeting and Demonstration of the Royal Ark mariner degree by the team at the meeting. Please remember that this demonstration is open to ALL mark Masons.
It will hopefully be well attended by Mark Masons so that they can see the benefits of this beautiful and interesting degree.
We look forward to seeing as many of you that can make it in March 2018.
Thanks for taking the time to read this article and look forward to seeing some of you in March 2018
Article courtesy of Dave Richards